Soul Retrieval in the Tunnels of Ravne

adventures with spirit meditation video recording Feb 01, 2023

"In this video, my friend Anabell and I explored the very powerful lifeforce energy of one of the more recently opened tunnels of Ravne that leads directly towards, and possibly under, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.

Our group of 89 explored and meditated in the vast network of tunnels underneath the Pyramid complex, and experienced the very high lifeforce energy of the underground tunnels. For example, when we stood in the areas of highest lifeforce energy we all began to sway in a clockwise direction, just like the clockwise spin of the chakras.

The Bovis biometer, also called the Bovis Scale, is a tool that measures the lifeforce energy of any substance, food, medicine, living being, object or geographical location.

Dr Bovis (1871-1947) was a French physician. He developed the Bovis Biometer with an engineer called Simoneton. The vibrational energy of 6,500 units on the Bovis Scale is considered neutral. Above 6,500 the lifeforce energy is positive and life enhancing. There are places in the tunnels of Ravne where the lifeforce energy is significantly higher.

To understand just how 'high' the lifeforce energy is in parts of the tunnels, 6,500 Bovis units is considered the baseline for physical health. And yet here in the tunnels there are places that have been scientifically measured at 55,000 Bovis. And it is thought the energy may be 100,000 Bovis or even higher."

Judy and her group were invited to explore deep inside the Tunnels of Ravne, which take you under the Bosnian Pyramid Complex. The tunnels have proved a significant area of enquiry for scholars, scientists, and spiritual seekers.

Meditation and Energy Transmission

In the following 22/min meditation was recorded deep within the tunnels of Ravne. Judy invites you to close your eyes and feel into the energies of Ravne and connect to the Inner Earth realms that lie beyond the currently accessible tunnels uncovered at Ravne. 

The Tunnels of Ravne is part of the Secrets of the Bosnian Pyramids; a program is based on Judy's experiences with the transformative energies of the five pyramids of the Bosnian Valley, you can find out more, and purchase the program by HERE.

Our visit was supported by the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation ... a not for profit organization working to study and preserve this ancient legacy for future generations. You can visit their website to learn more about the project, people, upcoming events and how you can support the Foundation -


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