
Mana Retreat Centre - Coromandel, New Zealand

4 pm Sunday 23 February - 4 pm Saturday 1 March 2025


Seven days of intensive energy immersion and Mind, Body, Spirit alchemical upgrade and transformation that will change your life..

The Sunshine Before the Dawn Retreat with Judy Satori is a RESET for a NEW BEGINNING, a powerful process of energy transformation and alchemical change, that will affect body, mind and soul. 


The seven days of the retreat will be presented like an unfolding and evolving story. You will be guided by the words and energy of Judy’s story ‘Sunshine Before the Dawn’, but the emphasis will be on YOUR EVOLVING soul and human story. 

About the Retreat


Judy and Spirit will be assisting you to rewrite your own soul-driven life script and so begin a new cycle of expansion, upgrade, joy and abundant well-being in your life. The many spiritually guided energy transmissions will support you to access and express your unique soul gifts, knowledge and ability. 


The 2025 Sunshine Before the Dawn retreat will access and harness the new, accelerated energies that will be streaming to Earth from January. Judy will discover just what your soul needs for its greatest unfoldment and work with Spirit to deliver over the course of seven days. The daily transmissions will be guided and will be targeted to the individual needs of participants.


There will also be a one day sacred-site bus tour to explore some of the magical and special places that Judy wrote about in her book ‘Sunshine Before the Dawn’. Walk the beach where the young man from Aldebaran taught Essayenya the Myasmia creation code and spend time in nature to enjoy the beautiful Coromandel Peninsula of New Zealand.

Sunshine Before the Dawn is a story about the original creation of the human being. 

It explains how the hu-man, a being created in the image of God, literally as ‘God in physical flesh and body form’, was designed with the best of the genetic attributes of 12 founding races from the Star Nations of our Milky Way Galaxy. 

In the beginning times Earth was a pristine fifth dimensional planet called Tara. 100,000 years ago, after several failed attempts by the spiritual hierarchy and the Star Nations of our Milky Way Galaxy to upgrade Earth’s contracted third dimensional energy frequency, it was decided by the Galactic Council of the Milky Way to create a new, upgraded species and seed this advanced race on Earth.

This race was called the Hu-man, as ‘hu’ is a sound and vibration that means ‘of God’. The Sunshine Before the Dawn Retreat is designed to activate previously untapped human potential.

Judy Satori is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional spiritual channel, sound healer and Ascension way-shower.  Judy verbally transmits energy words of ‘New Creation’, divinely designed to expand human capacity and ability.  Her work, with a new spectrum of Ascension upgrade energy called ‘Ultralight’, creates permanent alchemical change at the level of cells and the DNA template, positively transforming people physically and emotionally and opening them to their gifts of Spirit.

Much of Judy’s work is housed in an online Ascension Library. Here, she offers hundreds of audio and video programs to help people transform their lives for the better and express their unique potential. 

Discover The Ascension Library

Register Now


Sunshine Before the Dawn Course Fee:  $1995 NZD - 7 days course tuition with Judy Satori.


Mana Retreat Centre

Information: Mana Retreat Centre, Manaia, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand

Mana Retreat is set on 360 acres, nestled in the bush-covered ranges of the Coromandel with expansive sea views. Mana Retreat Centre is a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of the world.  Here you can rest into the natural surroundings and discover re-creation in a way that supports your well-being.

Climb our mountain summit or settle into the gentle sway of a hammock. Treat yourself to a massage or sauna – or wander to the Sanctuary where you can walk the labyrinth to the centre of your Self. 

Whether you journey here by yourself or with a friend, you will be sharing a group experience and one that we trust will be deeply nourishing.

Plan Your Visit
Guest Facilities
Dining at Mana

Accommodation Facilities

Outdoors & Recreation

  • Sauna
  •  Outdoor bush bath
  •  Small shop with local crafts for sale
  •  Bush walking tracks
  •  Access to Tara Sanctuary for meditation & singing
  •  Labyrinth
  •  Mountain track to 360° view from the summit of Pukewhakataratara
  •  Massage treatments – subject to availability

Centre & Dining Facilities