About Judy Satori


Judy Satori is an internationally recognised spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional channel, sound healer, and Ascension way-shower from New Zealand.


Her spiritually guided role during Earth’s Ascension process is to energetically upgrade people so that they can fulfil their own purpose and do what they have come to do on the planet.

Judy verbally transmits energy words, known as light language. 

These Divinely designed frequencies of sound and light have an energetic effect on the cells and the DNA template to activate previously dormant human DNA potential.

Judy's work of 25 years is housed in the Judy Satori Ascension Library, and offers over 1,000 audio and video recordings and programs to members to help transform their lives for the better and express their unique soul potential.


Access Judy’s programs with an Ascension Library Membership.


Discover The Library


Tour One: Sunday 23 March - Sunday 6 April

Tour Two: Sunday 13 April - Sunday 27 April

A tour of the sacred sites of Egypt,

with a difference!

with Judy Satori and Sameeta Nanjiani


You will learn about the history of the ancient temples and monuments that we visit, but this journey will be a sacred time of RENEWAL and INITIATION for you. 

Judy and Sameeta will be working and embodying the energies of Thoth, Isis, Sekhmet, Hathor and Maat. Each of these five deities will transmit their alchemical magic to take you through a process of INITIATION, which really means preparation. 

Learn More

New Zealand Retreat

Saturday 28th September, 2024

A comprehensive 4-hour in-person event with Judy Satori.


Judy and Spirit will be assisting you to rewrite your own soul-driven life script and so begin a new cycle of expansion, upgrade, joy and abundant well-being in your life.


The 2025 Sunshine Before the Dawn retreat will access and harness the new, accelerated energies that will be streaming to Earth from January. Judy will discover just what your soul needs for its greatest unfoldment and work with Spirit to deliver over the course of seven days. The daily transmissions will be guided and will be targeted to the individual needs of participants.

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New Zealand

Monday 11 February - Sunday 18 February

The Sunshine Before the Dawn Retreat


Venue: Mana Retreat Centre, Coromandel, New Zealand.

A seven-day immersion into past life soul experience as a star-seeded human being. This is a process of ENERGY ALCHEMY designed by Spirit to activate your soul gifts, purpose and potential.

This seven day process of physical, consciousness and spiritual upgrade will empower and transform you and your life.   

Registration Open from 1 November 2023

New Zealand

Monday 11 February - Sunday 18 February

The Sunshine Before the Dawn Retreat


Venue: Mana Retreat Centre, Coromandel, New Zealand.

A seven-day immersion into past life soul experience as a star-seeded human being. This is a process of ENERGY ALCHEMY designed by Spirit to activate your soul gifts, purpose and potential.

This seven day process of physical, consciousness and spiritual upgrade will empower and transform you and your life.   

Registration Open from 1 November 2023

 "Ascension is not going up, not going anywhere it's expanding into who we are as an eternal soul.

We are becoming more of our soul aspect and less of our personality self.

We begin to see ourselves through new eyes, and disconnect from the drama of life.

Our lives should be about beauty, love, joy and light.

We deserve to be happy."